Originally posted by Chrono
Originally posted by Chancer
Whether they are "official" or not, it's not up to me. If Yuna decide to have both translations, it's going to be amazing to the community. Since you are now working as a company, I believe the translators might have sort of a payment (or they should, I think), therefore it may not be interesting for you.
they are paying WAY less than before, for the record An insignificant ammount in fact
You still do not know what we are going to pay, the website translation pay is one thing, there is still more to come (soon). So do not judge/draw conclusions just yet! Whether the plans also behold pay for program translations, which currently is not payed and never has been (besides the occasional t-shirt/gift), remains to be seen. Anyway I don't think this is something that should be discussed in public, translations should still be done for the love of the progam, not for the money! It was never intended that way and should not become so either (quality over...you know what I mean).
you could propose it to them, formally
Or point them to this thread so they can explain their point of view if they dont want to.
No formal proposal from me, it is up to them. I did take your other suggestion and informally informed them about this discussion.