RE: Messenger Plus in portuguese ( Brazil ) language
Portuguese is very different from spanish or english when it comes to "understanding each other no matter the country".
Latin American spanish and European Spanish has slight differences in accent and word choice, which is normal, but they can understand each other without any problems.
The same goes for American English and European English. The accent difference is even bigger than in spanish languages, but people from the UK can watch a cartoon dubbed in american english, and americans can play watch a movie with european english audio and they don't find it weird.
In Brazil, we jus't can't play or watch something in european portuguese because it sounds too weird and we can't understand it very well. Sometimes it even sounds funny to our ears. We also don't listen to european portuguese songs, we don't watch Portuguese movies, we don't read books translated to european portuguese and we don't play games in european portuguese translations... But the language still share the same name.
On the other hand, Portugal is more used to Brazilian Portuguese. They listen to our songs, they watch our novelas (soap operas) and TV shows. I also heard that they didn't have a dubbing studio untill the 90's, so all the tv shows and cartoon were in brazilian portuguese.
This might sounds a little xenofobic from me, but the thing is: European Portuguese is VERY weird for Brazilians, we are not used to it, its a bit hard to understand it perfectly when we read or listen to it, specially when it comes to technologic and computer therms.
I think MSGPLUS doesn't come with Brazilian Portuguese language as an option because the person who decides that is not aware of those facts, or maybe he just don't care, I don't know.
Brazil is one of the countries who uses MSN MESSENGER the most, much more than portugal, but MSGPLUS has no native support for our language.
I'm not saying that European Portuguese shouldn't be on the list, I'm saying that BOTH version of the languages should come with MSGPLUS.
Sorry about my english.