I think the future system should combine both. I explain myself:
Members could vote as much posts as desired of one member, but the count would only be the average af all votes. E.g.: I vote 1 positive for this thread first post by WDZ, another positive point for
this post
and a negative point for
this dodgy remark .
Assuming each vote counts the same and I have 1 point per vote, the result would be:
And this would be noted as:
KeyStorm rated WDZ with 1/3 in following posts [...Post / Comment / Vote...]
So my maximal power is to give 1 point or to take 1 point (I could vote 49 times negative, but still it'd be only -1).
Admins would have the right over 3 votes (WDZ voting me 8 times negative would be (-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1)/8*3=-3).
This way one hating member could only give a -1 point while the rest are positive and hence not affecting the overall rating.
Another question is to consider giving more points for a voted thread-post, for example: counting twice.
In my example above it vould be:
Me having voted the first post of this thread counts as 2 votes, and therefore the vote count=4)
This is my opinion about this, you rate posts, but it's stored as for voting the member.