I don't have Norton's Internet Security, but if you realy can't find anything the last the you can do is completely uninstall and remove Norton Internet Security... Reboot... and install it again. Now when you start MSN Messenger, NIS should present you a question wether you want to allow MSN Messenger to access the net or not...
And if all that doesn't work, then try point 7B (this is the opposite of unchecking "Check for server certificate revocation" and thus an alternative method involving your internet security in internet settings):
Originally posted by CookieRevised
7B. If you don't want to uncheck "Check for server certificate revocation". Then you should add messenger.hotmail.com and loginnet.passport.com to your "Trusted Sites" in the Security tab in your Internet Options. Make sure the checkbox for "Require Server Verification" is cleared.
More can be found here.
For detailed instructions see that site...