Originally posted by CookieRevised
Number 4 is also done as a stand alone "joke", typically a bar-joke, told by a man to a woman (or woman to woman also if you like ).
Depending on the woman and how "open" minded she is, you can get a long way with it... But remeber kids, only try this on girls/woman you know who wouldn't be offended and can handle such "jokes"...
You simply tell the girl/woman:
"Imagine your breasts are England and Wales..."
and while telling this you put your hand over her left breast and then over her right breast.
"If a plane would crash, and it crashed right on the boundery between them..."
and while telling this you gently stroke your finger from under her chin to her belly (thus between her breasts)
"Where would they burry the survivors?"
If she says "I don't know", you say something like: "ok, no, not right, I'll explain again..." and you repeat the whole process...
If she answers correctly (finally) you say: "correct, but thanks for letting me touch your breasts "
be ready to recieve a slap in the face though
other variations exist, but they all are about the same, a lame excuse to touch her breasts
I tried this last night, but some smart-arse jumped in with the answer after only one feel.