Originally posted by RebelSean
Ron Paul wants to get rid of the IRS and federal reserve system . Needless to mention other things he wants to do .
The founding fathers of the United States did not want any type of central banking institution in our country. It's one of the main reasons people started the revolutionary war & fled Britain for the United States. Gotta love Woodrow Wilson.
Originally posted by absorbation
Clinton is the only one settings out real polices at the moment, showing she is organized and voters know what they are voting for. I'm happy whoever wins, as long as they are not Republican!
Her tactics are questionable, fighting dirty towards Obama. Says something about her character and how she 'might' run our country if she was to win... BUT, the other question is.. wtf is Bill doing!? In my personal opinion, the Clinton campaign is questionably more of a duel Presidency campaign (Bill & Hilary), then just Hilary.
Originally posted by MenthiX
Agreed... I'm surprised USA elections aren't held in the form of a idols-like game show yet where people send their official vote by text message .
It basically is in a nut-shell. Only difference from the US's Elections & American Idol is... In American Idol, the people's vote counts.