i've got super powers
i'm super cool
i've got to learn joa's kung fu style
Originally posted by SonicSam
Interesting facts about Chrono is that his Prefrontal Cortex in his brain was not included in his body during the birth process.
Unfortunatly he now suffers Chronic-Constipation.
ok then some real stuff now
- i like black humor, probably too much.
- People who get to know me usually tell me that they didn't like me when they first met me (the reason might be my dodgy black humor).
- i'm 'addicted' to coke and ice cream

- For some really odd reason, the girls i like/girlfriends usually have a name or last name that starts with the letter "C" O_o It worries me

- i've got a little collection of empty cans of coke and other drinks.
- My face turns red easily, i can't help it it's an odd thing as it can happen even when im alone, it doesn't have to do with being shy or being embarassed, it just happens (although i AM shy in some situations

- People think im 18-20 after i cut my hair

- I bite my nails and i can't stop doing it for some reason.
- i sit in really weird positions while on the computer (you should see me right now

). my feet are never on the floor where they should be.
- i've got quite some issues with my sight that most of you already know about.
- I can sleep anywhere, anytime.
- i've never broke a bone.
- i enjoy walking around the city.
- I've been in Argentina and Brazil.
- I always say i'm lazy and people tend to believe me, but im actually really responsible (and a perfectionist) when i have work to do.
That's it for now