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Windows Codename Longhorn - Really revolutionary?
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RE: RE: RE: Windows Codename Longhorn - Really revolutionary?
Originally posted by auhsor
Originally posted by blade
Well I don't know - a lot of things are different :S There's a new file system, new layout, lew log-in system and many many new features. I think it will be a bit of a bigger jump than 2k-xp (and hopefully with less holes this time :refuck:)

Didnt they take out the new file system because it was going to take them too long?

Yer they've taken WINFS out of the first release (2006 sometime)... But are apparently going to make it available later... news is still scetchy, i guess we'll know in time...
10-31-2004 09:21 AM
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RE: Windows Codename Longhorn - Really revolutionary?
well i wouldnt like to say revolutionary because it might get peoples hopes up but it will be something pretty special i dont know how much because its still in alpha so it might change but it does look nice.
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10-31-2004 04:21 PM
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RE: Windows Codename Longhorn - Really revolutionary?
Well from what I have seen from other screenshots too, is that I don't really like the interface. It seems they have gone backwards form XP. I don't know, I guess using it will be a different experience, and the fact that it is still in development.

I'm a bit skeptical about the whole thing.
11-01-2004 03:58 AM
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RE: Windows Codename Longhorn - Really revolutionary?
Auhsor the interface will have a huge haulover before its released, its just in Beta (mayb even aplha? not sure)! its like the most definite thing thats gonna happen :P!
Segosa is newb.
11-01-2004 08:24 AM
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RE: RE: Windows Codename Longhorn - Really revolutionary?
Originally posted by Chestah
Auhsor the interface will have a huge haulover before its released, its just in Beta (mayb even aplha? not sure)! its like the most definite thing thats gonna happen :P!

  LongHorn is just another XP with only a few things thats New,  M$ need to put the New File System in if its gonna get people actually Buying Longhorn,
11-01-2004 12:27 PM
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RE: Windows Codename Longhorn - Really revolutionary?
IMO, Longhorn will be a revolutionary OS. It's being coded from scratch, which I think it will be great because they can make a good design, since the begining. NTFS will still be the main native filesystem of Longhorn. WinFS is only like a virtual filesystem, a layer between the real NTFS filesystem and some files and folders (as long as I know, only some folders and their files and subfolders will be in WinFS, like My documments, Program files and few more). Longhorn will have (the same as XP) 2 versions: one for 32-bits systems and other for 64 bits. M$ can't make only one version. There are and there will be from now to the release of Longhorm, lots of computers based on the x86 architecture (32 bits) and M$ has to give support for them. They can't stay with WinXP and for M$ is quite easy to create a 32 bit version of Longhorm.

From my point of view, the release of Longhorm will mark a before and an after in the OSes history, comparable with the releases of Win95 and WinXP. Currently, the available screen shots of Longhorm look like a WinXP with a revised black theme. And that's true, but the relase of Longhorm is far and until then, M$ will change lots of things. It's expected that they include a 3D desktop with 3D windows with movements and effects in 3D.

As a summary, I'd say this: Don't evaluate an OS only lookiong and its screen shots. That is probably the less important part of it. Look at its features, what it can do, its design, etc... IMO, Lognhorm will be much better than its predecessors in those things.
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11-01-2004 04:29 PM
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RE: Windows Codename Longhorn - Really revolutionary?
exactly Choli :D! you explained that alot better then i did :)!! Aren't M$ also hoping that by the time longhorn comes out that widescreens are popular so that the sidebar doesn't clutter and use up all of the users screen?
Segosa is newb.
11-01-2004 08:19 PM
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O.P. RE: Windows Codename Longhorn - Really revolutionary?
Originally posted by Chestah
exactly Choli :D! you explained that alot better then i did :)!! Aren't M$ also hoping that by the time longhorn comes out that widescreens are popular so that the sidebar doesn't clutter and use up all of the users screen?

Actually, it isn't bad if you resize it a bit...you get used to it - even get to like it ;)
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11-01-2004 08:26 PM
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RE: Windows Codename Longhorn - Really revolutionary?
Of what I've been seeing and reading about it, it seems that more and more things are getting integrated within eachother. This can be a good thing and a bad thing.

Although it is userfriendly to the _absolute_ beginner, it can (and even is, atm) a real pain in the *beep* for more advanced users. Also the "friendlyness" and "integration" keeps the user in the dark about what really is going on, in their computer. This makes that people will not have the slightest clue anymore of what they are exactly doing.

This happens even now, today. Look at the questions on the net and other helpdesks, IRC-channels, etc. Nowadays, if you say "download that file and open it", many people don't have a clue of what the difference is between downloading, storing something on the HD and opening it. I see this everyday when I look at peoples computers: random files everywhere, and yet they say they don't have something: "I've downloaded it, but can't find it"....

Now you can say: that's something which always has happend, and we all where "noobs" once. Well, no, there is a significant difference. The whole "integration" and "keep the user in the dark" is partially (well, more then partially) to be blamed for that:
There is no learning curve anymore, and that is a bad thing. A PC is a machine; a tool. You need to learn the basics to know how to handle it (what is a folder? what is a file? What is a directory-structure?). But when even the basics are thrown out, the new beginner will not have a clue anymore when something is wrong ("I cant find that downloaded file").

Is Longhorn going to be revolutionary? Yes
Will it be a benefit for the knowledge of people about PC's? No (heck even todays Windows OS's are already slowing down the needed "learning-curve".)

This post was edited on 11-01-2004 at 08:49 PM by CookieRevised.
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11-01-2004 08:46 PM
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RE: Windows Codename Longhorn - Really revolutionary?
Originally posted by Chestah
Aren't M$ also hoping that by the time longhorn comes out that widescreens are popular so that the sidebar doesn't clutter and use up all of the users screen?
Originally posted by CookieRevised
This happens even now, today. Look at the questions on the net and other helpdesks, IRC-channels, etc. Nowadays, if you say "download that file and open it", many people don't have a clue of what the difference is between downloading, storing something on the HD and opening it. I see this everyday when I look at peoples computers: random files everywhere, and yet they say they don't have something: "I've downloaded it, but can't find it"....
I agree. Maybe the idea of M$ is make the user think that the net and his/her HD is the same thing, where there's no diference between having a file in local or in remote.
Originally posted by CookieRevised
what is a folder? what is a file? What is a directory-structure?).
imo, in the future there won't be files and folders (at least in window OSes). The tendency is to have a place called My XXX (not porno :P) where XXX is documents, music, logs, videos, images, bla bla bla... The user goes there and finds what s/he's looking for. Of course, there will be a period of time of transition, where there are both files and folders, and "places" like my XXX. (which internally are folders and files). With longhorn some files and folders will be in WinFS. I think that that is the first step to the goal of removing files and folders. It's an higer level of abstraction where there is no directory structure, tree-based; but a relationship database of information :rolleyes: I don't know if this will be good or not. Personally, I don't like very much the idea of having WinFS. I think it's useless. Anyway, time to time...
Originally posted by CookieRevised
Now you can say: that's something which always has happend, and we all where "noobs" once.
there's also another difference: Some people haven't ever been a n00b. (let's say) 10-15 years ago, people who bought a PC were "cleverer" than today's users and they had the required knowledge to understand what a tree-like directory structure is, for example. Nowadays, the big companies try to sell they products to everyone, to all users of all ages; so the software has to be more and more user friendly. This implies a hide of the more technical details, which every day more, are less technical.
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11-01-2004 10:16 PM
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