I think abortion should be allowed for any reason its the woman's life she has the right to take decisions and the plans for her life.
Yeah there are means of preventing it but they can fail and no matter what, the government whatever doesnt have to right to interfere in their lifes.
Now you people say: "When aborting you are interfering with a baby's life", who cares? Will the baby feel anything, does he have responsabilities or whatever in outside world?
The life of the woman is more important than the life of the "baby" screw it if they are killing another human being, its their business, we all have a conscience which tells us what is wrong or right, besides, do you htink its always easy for a woman to take that decision? Not always , but again, its her life! and if she takes the wrong decision ( it can be abort or not ) her conscience will torture her for the rest of her life.
EDIT: All i said above is to read with the idea in mind that i support what M_E said and some points of what Killov said so that way i dont have to repeat what they said.
Some people are probably going to say: "OMFGWTFBBQ, HOW CAN SOMEONE BE AS STUPID AS THAT" but its the way i think
And a note for the most of religious people that replied in this thing like: "Since im religious i follow what my religion say", so you are telling me just because you follow a religion you dont think by yourself and dont ask why are things like that? Its just like joining a club and say : "Now im following any rule just to be in this club doesnt matter if its wrong or not, im just lazy to think about it" :/