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again... a dodgy thread about true LOVE
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The dodgiest member


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O.P. RE: again... a dodgy thread about true LOVE
Originally posted by FrozenDaggers
Why are you so wise? ;o

because he's Time :)
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08-31-2005 04:46 PM
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RE: again... a dodgy thread about true LOVE
Originally posted by Joa
personally, i'd want somebody who i would be comfortable talking about anything with... and i know it's dumb, but i think i'd want somebody who would be like my missing half. and my weaknesses would be their virtues, so they could complete me. and just somebody who i could feel completely safe with. and would love me no matter what.
Same here. Although, it would have to be a person who would have certain common strong points/virtues with me also. Oh, and he has to be a Star Wars fan. :p

Originally posted by Joa
or do you think that true love does not exist at all, and it's impossible to find somebody that we would want?
I think that love exists within us. There just are people who bring it out in us, so that it seems like they have given it to us. People's "definitions" of true love are so amazingly different, so that maybe you even can't talk about one universal "true love", because it's different for everyone.

Sorry, I think I'm talking gibberish already. |-)

Anyway, I personally do believe that true love (for me) exists. I know that I'm capable of loving someone truly, with all that there is good and bad in them.

Originally posted by Joa
Originally posted by Stigmata
ive always though i have, but i come to realise it isnt true love after we break.
bah... i hate when that happens, you think you found someone who is so amazing and than all hell breaks loose...

Oh, and one theoretical question. What do you guys think, can an unrequited love be considered true love?

This post was edited on 08-31-2005 at 05:34 PM by Aeryn.
08-31-2005 05:32 PM
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O.P. RE: again... a dodgy thread about true LOVE
Originally posted by Haz
can an unrequited love be considered true love?

i dunno... i don't think so, cuz than it's just one sided. it is 'just' love... in order for it to be true you need to be loved back..

how can it be true love and how can you TRULY love somebody, when you know you are not loved back? you feel a deep affection for that person, but you are not fulfilled... there is something missing. i think that it is rather .. infatuation, and an obsession (and i mean it in a good way not in a bad way), it is love but a different kind of love. one where you are probably filled with sadness...

it is real, but it is not what i would view as "true"... there's just a distinction between something that is real and feels real.. and something that is true and simply existing.
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08-31-2005 05:55 PM
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RE: again... a dodgy thread about true LOVE
Originally posted by Haz
What do you guys think, can an unrequited love be considered true love?

it could turn into true love.

There is a film called "The Wedding Planner". The star, jenifer lopez, falls in love with a guy (and vice versa) who she is arranging a wedding for. In the end she is arranged to be married to a guy who shes known through-out childhood. At first she disagrees, but accepts after her dad gives her a speech about his life.

He was arranged to be married to this girl. She hated him, but they still got married for thier parents. One day she fell ill, and he cared for her night and day, and for that, she fell in love with him.

What im kinda saying is, if you are told to love someone. Over time, you realise the reasons you should love this person, and it becomes true love.
08-31-2005 06:51 PM
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The dodgiest member


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O.P. RE: again... a dodgy thread about true LOVE
Originally posted by Stigmata
What im kinda saying is, if you are told to love someone. Over time, you realise the reasons you should love this person, and it becomes true love.

yeah i guess, but still.. it's rare.. and is it true love? or appreaciation? sort of giving into the situation that you were put into...

yet you may be right, because maybe those two people were meant for each other it just took them time to grow and to grasp that realization.

This post was edited on 08-31-2005 at 07:14 PM by Joa.
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08-31-2005 07:13 PM
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RE: again... a dodgy thread about true LOVE
Love unrequited? That love is desired in return - this is the implication - yet it be not.
Why do I sound like yoda?

Like Joa said, if your heart aches for someone, to be loved by someone; if you aren't complete without them / you would die without them - this is obsessive stalker material. (ie. people who request block checkers)

True love isn't about receiving - it's about giving. It's about letting someone know you care without needing anything in return, and wanting to give someone more love than they could ever love you.

I used to tell my fiancee that I wished I could be her guardian angel, so I could watch over her. I would protect her from any harm and make sure that she would have everything she wanted. Everything would be perfect. She would never have to worry..
..she would always know she is loved. And yet she would never know how much. :)


Okay, I've just reread that and it sounds soppy to the point that bender's gaydar would explode. Let's never talk of this again.
08-31-2005 07:19 PM
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O.P. RE: again... a dodgy thread about true LOVE
Originally posted by multimillion2k
Like Joa said, if your heart aches for someone, to be loved by someone; if you aren't complete without them / you would die without them - this is obsessive stalker material. (ie. people who request block checkers)

it's not necessarily a "wrong" type of love... i knew i used the wrong word when i said obsessed :sad:.

i only meant that it is a love that is not true, no matter how real it feels... it can't be true when you can't share it with the other person. because than it is not complete and not returned...

imo anyway :tongue:
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08-31-2005 07:39 PM
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RE: again... a dodgy thread about true LOVE
Originally posted by Joa
Originally posted by multimillion2k
Like Joa said, if your heart aches for someone, to be loved by someone; if you aren't complete without them / you would die without them - this is obsessive stalker material. (ie. people who request block checkers)

it's not necessarily a "wrong" type of love... i knew i used the wrong word when i said obsessed :sad:.

i only meant that it is a love that is not true, no matter how real it feels... it can't be true when you can't share it with the other person. because than it is not complete and not returned...

imo anyway :tongue:

but maybe it's like true love to you becuase you love them and give them so much? its not "true love" in the sense that you and the person arent together sharing the love, but waht you feel may be true love towards the one you love..i dunno, maybe?
08-31-2005 08:00 PM
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RE: again... a dodgy thread about true LOVE
Well, I think it would be possible to truly love someone without being loved back. But to have a couple truly in love, that's definitely shared.
And often the once someone realises the former, it leads to the latter. Just like the Quasimodo story. does anyone want to hear it?

Edit: Too bad - here we go! It wasn't quasimodo, sorry :$

Moses Mendelssohn, the grandfather of the well-known German composer, was far from being handsome. Along with a rather short stature, he had a grotesque hunchback. One day he visited a merchant in Hamburg who had a lovely daughter named Frumtje. Moses fell hopelessly in love with her. But Frumtje was repulsed by his misshapen appearance.
When it came time for him to leave, Moses gathered his courage and climbed the stairs to her room to take one last opportunity to speak with her. She was a vision of Heavenly beauty, but caused him deep sadness by her refusal to look at him. After several attempts at conversation, Moses shyly asked, "Do you believe marriages are made in Heaven?"
"Yes," she answered, still looking at the floor. "And do you?"
"Yes I do," he replied. "You see, in Heaven at the birth of each boy, the Lord announces which girl he will marry. When I was born, my future bride was pointed out to me. Then the Lord added, "But your wife will be humpbacked."
"Right then and there I called out, 'Oh Lord, a humpbacked woman would be a tragedy. Please, Lord, give me the hump and let her be beautiful.'"
Then Frumtje looked up into his eyes and was stirred by some deep memory. She reached out and gave Mendelssohn her hand and later became his devoted wife.

This post was edited on 08-31-2005 at 08:16 PM by multimillion2k.
08-31-2005 08:12 PM
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RE: again... a dodgy thread about true LOVE
Originally posted by Joa
Originally posted by Stigmata
What im kinda saying is, if you are told to love someone. Over time, you realise the reasons you should love this person, and it becomes true love.

yeah i guess, but still.. it's rare.. and is it true love? or appreaciation? sort of giving into the situation that you were put into...

yet you may be right, because maybe those two people were meant for each other it just took them time to grow and to grasp that realization.

in some cultures it is very common, my mum and dad had an arranged marriage, they had never met each other before the wedding day, and then when they got married my dad went back to england because he had a job there, and my mum had to stay in India for a few months while the VISA was sorted out, so they were married but had only seen each other once.
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08-31-2005 08:34 PM
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