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Interesting facts about yourself
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O.P. RE: Interesting facts about yourself
Excellent posts everyone, keep adding stuff. (y) :D
03-07-2008 12:28 PM
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RE: Interesting facts about yourself
- Like other's have never broken a bone or sprained any joint either
- Eat anything without getting fat (actually once had a cup of pure fat from bbq drainoff for a dare)
- Never had any sort of illegal drugs or smoked
- I'm really lazy about things until I start them. Once I get started I'm almost a perfectionist
- I have this really weird thing when I go to say the word red, but I say the word yellow instead.  It happens totally randomly without any sort of indication its coming, but as soon as I say it, I know I've done it.  I have no idea what causes it or if its even called something but I've had it for as long as I can remember
- I have an almost phobia about answering a phone or calling people.  I'll let the answering machine pick it up whenever I'm at home, and I'd rather wait to see something than pick up the phone and call them, especially people I don't really know.
03-07-2008 12:32 PM
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RE: Interesting facts about yourself
Just realized:
I've never broken anything
03-07-2008 12:55 PM
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Danny <3 Sarah

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RE: Interesting facts about yourself

try that on for 'interesting'

unlike a lot of people so far, I have broken bones.....lots, lol

This post was edited on 03-07-2008 at 05:56 PM by djdannyp.
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03-07-2008 03:43 PM
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RE: Interesting facts about yourself
I hate potatoes, chips, crisps and chocolate :D:D
03-07-2008 05:12 PM
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RE: Interesting facts about yourself
-Never ate at McDonnald's
-Talk to my friends the same way i talk to my teachers and old people, has got me some troubles, has given some laughs to teachers and random bus oldies
-Can be very controlling in group works
-Can't trust no one
-LOST geek
-very religious
-can't sit normally, have to balance the chair
Originally posted by Eljay
- I see patterns (mostly faces) in random things (my good friend Wikipedia just told me it's called Pareidolia)
Originally posted by Val
I make jokes no one understands and then I just embarrass myself.
:o me too
03-07-2008 05:45 PM
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RE: Interesting facts about yourself
I hate when the Phone RINGS!! i cant stand it (The house phone) My cellphone is ok :P

I never broke a bone.

I collect movie tickets 8-), some think its stupid. but i dont :P

I like reading, but i dont do it because im lazy :P

I hate people who makes LOT of noise when walking

If im watching tv and theres an object in the middle/near the tv, i have to move it or else i cant watch at all :P it disturbs me..

I had 2 Music cds in my entire life (One of Eminem and Sean Paul) and i lost them :P :lol:

Im not religious

Im very paranoic :P

I like black humour like Chrono :P

When i see a violent movie, sometimes i feel like i want to kill someone :P But not like im going to do it :dodgy:


03-07-2008 10:02 PM
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RE: Interesting facts about yourself
- Never broken a bone.

- I hate answering the phone. I'm alright with talking to people, just not on the phone.

- I can't stand people who walk slow. It annoys the hell out of me, I just wanna get where I'm going as quickly as possible, not just waste time by walking slowly everywhere.

- Never had any alcohol (apart from when I was younger, watered-down wine, doesn't really count :P), never smoked, never done drugs, and never want to.

- I've never been outside the UK.

- My imagination gets the better of me. I'm really easily distracted by my thoughts when doing anything and find it hard to concentrate.

- The first boyfriend I ever had has the same surname as my current boyfriend. :P

- I'm not into my looks like a lot of girls I know are. I make an effort, sure, but I don't care about fashion, (I wear what's comfortable and looks good on me, don't care about labels or anything), I don't wear makeup (well apart from like lip balms/lip gloss8-)), I don't fuss for like 5 hours when I have a small spot. I'm a sort of take me as I am or bug off kind of person... Yet I'm very insecure about myself.

... I'm not really much more interesting than anyone else. :P

This post was edited on 03-07-2008 at 10:30 PM by Tasha.
"Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry,
but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?"
03-07-2008 10:28 PM
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Peek-a-boo! I see you!!

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RE: Interesting facts about yourself
- When i eat, i do get fat lol
- Have a very strong willpower, especially when i have an incentive (eg lost 14 kilos in 9 weeks)
- Very organised when it comes to my computer
- Very lazy, often forget to do things that i'm told
- Bad liar
- Have a phobia of getting my head stuck into small spaces (eg have to test a helmet before putting it on)
- Apparantly my first word was chicken (but in another language)
- When i sweat, i sweat badly
- Generous and helpful, will help people even if they dont help back
- I am shit scared of horror movies, unless i see them during the day time with people around me
- I am a very naggy person when i want something
- dont bother with "label" or expensive clothing, think its a waste of money
- have an obsession with watches
- easily made angry (trying to fix that lol)
- i love malaysia's (kuala lumpur) china town LOL
- Love learning new things (especially with the computer), but if i fail, i usually dont try again for a long time, unless i really want to
- i am obsessive compulsive with things that come in contact with me (eg if one foot gets wet, so must the other)
- i like to do things evenly (eg having 6 potato chips instead of five)
- I love to correct people, and if they start showing attitude before i correct them, then i show attitude when i do correct them
- When i think i want something, i will spend most of my time planning out how i am going to get it, but often change my mind before i get it
- I have photographic memory
- dont like adults talking about me, even if they are saying good things

will write more when i think of them

This post was edited on 03-07-2008 at 10:47 PM by Th3rmal.
You have the intellect comparable to that of a rock. Be proud.
03-07-2008 10:38 PM
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RE: RE: Interesting facts about yourself
Originally posted by Tasha

- I hate answering the phone. I'm alright with talking to people, just not on the phone.

- I can't stand people who walk slow. It annoys the hell out of me, I just wanna get where I'm going as quickly as possible, not just waste time by walking slowly everywhere.

Yeah i know what you mean, i hate being in a Mall.. i walk fast, and then some people in front of me walking slow.. :sad:

And the part not answering the phone, its also true with me.. and it comes with.. I hate the phone ringing :p

Its ok by cellphone, because when it rings its just the music i like :cheesy:

More stuff:

I dont know my neighbors
I met one of my neighbors at a party and one at school, So it doesnt count.. :p
03-07-2008 10:50 PM
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