This is a tricky one, but I'll try to sum something up.
- I've almost drowned 7 times, yet I love to swim.
- I (like others here) talk way too much IRL.
- I can eat loads of food, but my weight has barely changed during the last years. I like that.
- I can walk for days without eating unless someone reminds me of eating. (Usually that happens on vacations)
- I like being alone, however, I don't mind being with others.
- I am crap at "making topics". For some reason, I tend to live in my own world, and it seems like I prefer it there.
- I have some a strange attraction to hair.
- I love laying down, pretty much anywhere, and just breathe. Nothing over, nothing under.
- I've got 5 siblings.
- Sleep is something I like, but not something that I feel I need (even though I probably do). I can walk for days without sleeping, as long as I keep in activity.
- I have a
really annoying tendense to change my thoughts about what I'm going to do. I can sit in the one moment and be completely sure to do some work, and I'll end up somewhere else.
- I've dreamed 4 times that I was sitting on my laptop and coding. Also, I have an average dreamrate of 2 per month.
- I love cake, but I can easily puke because of one.
- I rarely get upset / angre because of things. I like to think of myself as a "calm" person in that way. It's easy to see what mood I am in.
- I've broken loads of things, but not anything regarding my body.
- I like working under pressure.
- Wherever I go, whatever I do, I always feel "watched" and I sort of always look around me, just to keep tracking of everyone around.
- I have a strange tendency of mixing Norwegian and English words. Sometimes I can start talking in English, without noticing.
I do not claim that these facts are interesting, but they're facts. And I'll add some more when it come to my attention.