Originally posted by ag008
Here is test is this user from Croatia?
Aj mi reci šta tu fali?
Šahim se, reci šta ne valja
Seeing his profile, yes he is.
Quickly reviewing your current translation I can indeed see extremely many errors. And that is just talking about formatting and layout, not about translating.
eg: [Menu.Tags], [Menu.FormatCodes], [Menu.Commands], [SoundCommands] are all formatted completely in the wrong way for example. Same for many lines in [Commands], [Window.LogViewer], [Window.FindTextIM], [Window.ListCleanup], etc... the list goes on and on. In essence, almost everything is done in the wrong way, take especially note on the use of tags!
Then there are also a lot of sentences which are not translated and still in English.
I'm afraid this translation is completely unusable. I suggest to re-read
Translation guidelines for Messenger Plus! Live.
originally posted by ag008 here
Hope and with Croatian!
Because I don't wont to make translation for nothing!
Putting aside that the current translation is completely unusable:
I very strongly suspect that the croation language is not used enough to be added.
Furthermore, if people report that a translation is full of errors and bad grammar, the chance that it will be added is as good as nihil, thus non-existant. A translation needs to be confirmed and approved by several people.
Third, the next release of Plus! (4.70) is going to include new visible elements. This means that there needs to be a new translation. This means that unofficial translations will not be added to that release since those translators do not have access to the beta versions in order to provide up-to-date translations (It also means that official translations which aren't updated before the release will be removed).
sorry for the bad news, but that's the way it is...
originally posted by ag008 here
Because I don't wont to make translation for nothing!
Before it could even be considered to be added you need to post the translation in a thread on the forum.
This means that people can download and start using the translation and report errors.
So, this alone, is not
"making it for nothing".
If you mean by
"making it for nothing" that there aren't any people downloading your translation from here anyways and thus that it is a lot of work for nothing, then there will also be not much people who would use it once it is added as an official language in Plus!. And because of that, it wont be added in the first place as you need to have a lot of users for the language.
PS: Making and maintaining a translation and posting it on the forums is not
"doing it for nothing" as people will have access to it the moment you post it.