4th Dimension |
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O.P. 4th Dimension
Do you think time is actually the 4th dimension or is it really a real 4D world? I can't see how time (something man has made up to keep track of the days) can be a dimension. There isn’t any physical property to time. And if time was the 4th dimension then would we say we could see 4D too?
Check this site out on if 4D was a real dimension not time.
I find this really interesting stuff… I just like picturing it in my head of what it would look like.
What your opinions on this?
This post was edited on 05-14-2005 at 01:47 AM by DJeX.
05-14-2005 01:47 AM |
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l33t p4int3r
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RE: 4th Dimension
i think its really intersesting on how things like this COULD be real...i believe it but im not so sure it truly is real...like it just boggles your mind on the things you could think of and i totally think anything is possible...like look at computers and stuff look how advanced htings are...they may not seem that advanced because were used to them but it really is marvelous and i thik this could be true we just havent FULLY discovered it yet
05-14-2005 01:56 AM |
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RE: 4th Dimension
It's hard to explain, but I'll try to in few words:
Imagine first of all 1D, 2D and 3D.
Try to picture a figure of 2D intersecting the world of 1D. Draw it on a paper, a square (2D) trying to intersect the world of a line (1D). From the view of point of the line, as it's in a world of only one dimension, it would only appear (the square) as a line, but moving. The square's shapes never changes, but as it intersects the line's dimension, the line itself sees the square as a movement in one dimension.
Now, picture for yourself a 3D object intersecting with the world of 2 dimensions. Imagine how a square would see that object from his own point of view (2D). It would always see it, but in two dimensions of course, and MOVING.
Now, the point of view of a square, watching a line in 1D, is seeing it ALL. The square, from its 2D world, can see all the content of the one dimension world. The same goes for the 3D seeing the 2D world.
The 4th dimension is the same, it can see all the content of the 3D world, in other words, everything means all the moments of the 3D universe, which means, past, present, and future.
It is really hard to explain this with just words, but this introduction MAY, in some way, make you visualize the concept of 4D.
05-14-2005 02:13 AM |
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l33t p4int3r
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RE: 4th Dimension
so i take it you believe in it also ...do you strongly think that there is a 4D?
05-14-2005 02:27 AM |
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RE: 4th Dimension
Unexplored, but definatly. And also, I believe in time travelling. Let's say it's sci-fi: it doesn't exist in the present, but may be discovered in the future.
05-14-2005 03:07 AM |
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be a good bee
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RE: 4th Dimension
We will all find out exactally what the fouth dimention is in around 2016....look it up. In my mind and many other peoples minds the fouth dimension is alot like the dream world, we will be able to fly thoughts come true....alot of the stuff in the matrix, i kno that sounds kind stupid but its true.
This post was edited on 05-14-2005 at 04:17 AM by buzz.
05-14-2005 04:17 AM |
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O.P. RE: 4th Dimension
It is true, in 4D it is said you will be able to walk "around" rivers so you wont need bridges.
Heres maybe a better example of what robochief was explaining. This was taken from the site in my first post:
quote: Step 1 - Zeroth Dimension. Imagine a point in space. It is a 0-hypercube. A point is zero dimensional because it has no width, length, or height, and is infinitely small. Every point is exactly the same and has the same measurements, because it has no dimension. Below is a picture of a point, representing the zeroth dimension.
Step 2 - First Dimension. Take the zero-dimensional point and extrude it in any direction, creating a line segment, which is a 1-hypercube. All line segments are one-dimensional because they differ in size by only one measurement, length. They all have the same width and height, which is infinitely small. If you expanded the line infinitely, it would cover one-dimensional space.
Step 3 - Second Dimension. Now take the line segment and extrude it in any direction that is perpendicular to the first direction, creating a square, which is a 2-hypercube. All squares are two dimensional because they differ with each other in size by two measurements, width and length. They all have the same height, which is infinitely small. All of the edges are the same length, and all of the angles are right angles. If you expanded the square infinitely, it would cover two-dimensional space.
Step 4 - Third Dimension. Take the non-infinite square and extrude it in a third direction, perpendicular to both of the first two directions, creating a cube, which is a 3-hypercube. All cubes are three dimensional because they differ with each other in size by all of the three measurements that we know of - width, length, and height. Just like the square, all of the edges within a single cube are the same length, and all of the angles are right angles. If you expanded the cube infinitely in all directions, it would cover three-dimensional space.
Step 5 - Fourth Dimension. Now, the final step. Take the non-infinite cube and extrude it in yet another direction perpendicular to the first three. But how can we do this? It is impossible to do within the restrictions of the third dimension (which will I refer to as realmspace in this webpage). However, within the fourth dimension (which I call tetraspace), it is possible. The shape that results from this extrusion of a cube into tetraspace is called a tesseract, which is a 4-hypercube. All tesseracts differ from other tesseracts in size by four measurements (equal to each other within a single tesseract) - width, length, height, and a fourth measurement, which I call trength. Looking back to the previous n-dimensional cubes, they all have the same trength, which is infinitely small. Just like the cube and square, all of the edges within a single tesseract are the same length, and all of the angles are right angles. If you expanded the tesseract infinitely, it would cover four-dimensional space.
There are several ways to view the tesseract, and I will show three of them here. The first one is called an inner projection, and it is formed from a projecting the tesseract into realmspace with a perspective projection. The parts of the original tesseract that are farther away appear smaller in the inner projection. The original cube cell that existed before the extrusion into a tesseract is in gray, the paths of the vertices are in teal, and the stopping point of the extruded cube cell is in blue. The real tesseract isn't shaped like the inner projection shown below - the inner projection is a very distorted "image" of the original tesseract. All of the edges you see in the image are actually the same length as each other, and all angles between edges are right angles.
4D Shape ^ in the 3D world
This post was edited on 05-14-2005 at 04:48 AM by DJeX.
05-14-2005 04:46 AM |
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l33t p4int3r
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RE: 4th Dimension
its just amazing....and once you start thinking about it its hard to stop because theres so many possibilities
05-14-2005 04:55 AM |
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RE: 4th Dimension
Makes my head ache... seriously... something that also makes my head hurt if thinking about what there is besides life and death... like, we're here... but if we were not here... we wouldn't know, because we wouldn't exist.. so ... it's really confusing and once i start to get really deep into thought about it... i feel pain... like something is blocking me from thinking about non-existance...or something
This post was edited on 05-14-2005 at 05:00 AM by Joe.
05-14-2005 04:59 AM |
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l33t p4int3r
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RE: 4th Dimension
...wow...i just said that in the other thread
05-14-2005 05:00 AM |
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