Hello ! I'm French and I'm a little disappointed because I didn't find my favorite functions :
- Where the heck is the function "quote" ?? I can't quote any more in my conversations

Can we add it?
- What did you do with the option "Put a nickname to a contact" ? Because of course we can do it with WLM, but the problem is that when we put a nickname to a contact, when we put the cursor on this contact we only see the nickname we have given him (and NOT his original nickname) ! So will there be an "Msg plus! Extra" function to do like in Msg Plus (normal) ?
PS: But what I love is the search engine in the Msg Plus! Sound ;p, great !
Note: Does somebody know how to not regroupe all the instant-messages you send in ONE instant message (till your contact doesnt talk) ?
Thanks a lot for your replies...