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Views on gay marriage
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RE: Views on gay marriage
Originally posted by J.J
I don't know, I just believe a marriage should be between a man and a woman, and not for people of the same gender.
Fair comment, i dont see anything against it, but thats because it wouldnt really affect my life :\ so i quite frankly dont care to much.
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03-19-2007 01:12 PM
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RE: Views on gay marriage
Originally posted by linx05
After reading through your post it seems you are a homophobe. What you posted told me that you are scared what two parents of the same sex could do to a child. It seems you are fine with these "people" as "homosexuals" doing whatever they want except for getting married and raising a child. I wonder what they would think if you told them you were against it. How you thought they, being a couple of the same sex, could affect a child so drastically that it would change the childs life forever.
I'm offended by that.

I don't consider myself a homophobe by any kind of standard - me saying I don't support gay marriages doesn't make me one either.

Oh, and for your information - they do know I am against it.

I'll reply properly later and recover my points as you don't seem to grasp a few things. :)
03-19-2007 03:17 PM
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RE: Views on gay marriage
I am not religious but I really would like to see what bible passage says being gay is Satanistic.
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03-19-2007 05:55 PM
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RE: Views on gay marriage
i see people who get married because a brief moment of love and then they decide they hate each other after 6 months (then getting divorced)..now people who do appreciate marriage (whether gay or straight or bi or whatever) should be able to get married.
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03-19-2007 06:03 PM
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RE: Views on gay marriage
Personally it doesn't bother me. If that is what they want, then so be it. At least now here in the UK they are able to recognise that love that they share through civil partnerships, and to be honest, I don't see why they should.

I suppose I can't really say anything since, as a nurse in training, I have to respect the decisions that the patient/client makes. I suppose where difficults lie is when they are in hospital and there are patients and vistors who don't agree with it. It's a decision that they have made and I don't think we should prosectute those who dare to be different. If we were all the same, then progress would never be made :)
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03-20-2007 09:39 PM
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RE: Views on gay marriage
Sooner or later things will change..

In the future, married gay couples will be common and adopted children probably wont be a problem anymore because they will not feel "different"...

The world changes..and it takes its own special period of time for changes to happen.
Trying to go too fast or too slowly can cause serious troubles in society.
If gays and people who support gay marriages really bother about this then they should keep fighting for it (that fight causes everyone around to be more and more aware of the problem, making it easier for the change to happen) and it will end up being legalised.
At the moment i honestly think we are not ready for this change..but i see absolutely no problem about gay marriage itself..

This post was edited on 03-22-2007 at 01:07 AM by paperless.
03-22-2007 01:04 AM
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RE: Views on gay marriage
i basically think like surfi. i'm not a homophobe, in fact my best friend is gay. I'm not against gay marriage at all, but i dont like the idea of them adopting a child, for the simple fact that the poor kid would probably be teased at school and i'd hate it tbh, lol :P. Uhm, and most importantly (:P) cause i think it's really important for a kid to have a mum, a female image.

This post was edited on 03-22-2007 at 04:09 AM by Chrono.
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03-22-2007 04:08 AM
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RE: Views on gay marriage
Kind of off the conversation, but I had something said to me today that I found rather amusing. I work as a child care person at a school for pre-primary and elementary children.
Anyways, one of them comes up to me today, she is 4 years old I think, and says "If a boy marries another boy, they're not allowed having a baby"

I was like, WTF? random much? (no, I didn't say that to the poor girl) Otherwise, this girl is the sweetest kid you could ever meet.
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03-22-2007 04:17 AM
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RE: RE: Views on gay marriage
Originally posted by Chrono
I'm not against gay marriage at all, but i dont like the idea of them adopting a child, for the simple fact that the poor kid would probably be teased at school and i'd hate it tbh, lol :P. Uhm, and most importantly (:P) cause i think it's really important for a kid to have a mum, a female image.

I agree with you on both parts. When you're six years old a person not having a mum is strange concept to deal with if you have one, never mind a person having two dads. People always slag off other people, this is as "good" a reason as any - I've seen kids slag people off because their dad left their mum, and what-not.

The other thing is, in Human Biology right now, we're learning about birth and infant development. Practically everywhere it is talking about the bond between a mother and her child, but not the father. He's rarely mentioned at all.

And as far as I know, it's quite hard for a man to lactate - everyone knows there are benefits to breast milk rather than the artificial stuff (in the first few weeks after birth the mother's breast milk actually contains a high amount of antibodies, which are important so the baby doesn't get seriously ill).
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03-22-2007 07:50 AM
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RE: Views on gay marriage
About female role models (or male in lesbian marriages), what is wrong in having an aunt or grandma (and also don't forget about teachers in school... school has a very big impact on education and raising)? Quite often the female role model is done by a female member of the family, this doesn't need to be the 'mother' at all...

If you find it wrong, then what about all those families where the mother has died when the child was very young, etc? Are all those childen "fucked up" then too? I think not...

Originally posted by andrewdodd13
The other thing is, in Human Biology right now, we're learning about birth and infant development. Practically everywhere it is talking about the bond between a mother and her child, but not the father. He's rarely mentioned at all.

And as far as I know, it's quite hard for a man to lactate - everyone knows there are benefits to breast milk rather than the artificial stuff (in the first few weeks after birth the mother's breast milk actually contains a high amount of antibodies, which are important so the baby doesn't get seriously ill).
Infants at that age are not put up for adoption to begin with or put in a gay-family on that age (quite often exactly for these reasons).

And if a gay-couple wants a child the birth-mother always is involved in the first few months. I would indeed have questions (but never forbid it or have real problems with it in general) with 'adopting' a just born child. It depends on who the couple is, what experience they have, the competence, etc.

And that is also exactly what is been investigated by adoption agencies before they let someone adopt a child (or it should be!?).

Also, the bond between mother and child is indeed strong, but this just goes the same for a bond between father and child (talking about lesbian couples now).

What I mean is, everything is a nuance and when one discusses specific scenarions (eg: adopting a baby) one should look at it from case to case.

I've never seen a report or story about a child being "fucked up" (for the lack of a better term) because it was raised by a couple of the same sex. And the theoretical reports of how it would be bad for the child, have always been disproven in practice again and again...

It has everything todo with the upraising and education given to the child. Thus never with the gender of the parents, but with their competence, dispite the fact if they are the same gender or not.

I don't see what one could have against it.

Bullying at school? Then make people aware that there is nothing wrong with it and that the problem are the bullies, not the fathers or mothers of the child. Children with glasses and braces are quite often bullied too, does that make glasses and braces a bad thing?

Bond/female role model? There are almost always female role models very near. Grandma, aunt, teacher, etc... etc... Also, think about the one parent families, are those bad too then?

Unnatural? So what? Beer or soda doesn't grow on trees either, yet we all drink it (and it even has been prooven healthy, if you drink it smartly). And I also could bring the glasses and braces example into this too.

Religion? Ok, granted. But still, if the gay-couple's religion would prevent it, they wouldn't have a child in the first place. And if it is against other people's religion, so what. It isn't their problem or their child...

The bottom line is that it may not "feel" alright to you... but that doesn't make it a bad thing. It just means you're not used to it... (Fear for the unknown...?)

Originally posted by paperless
Sooner or later things will change..
In the future, married gay couples will be common and adopted children probably wont be a problem anymore because they will not feel "different"...

This post was edited on 03-25-2007 at 02:03 AM by CookieRevised.
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03-24-2007 04:19 AM
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