I can add something for tasha, she strongly dislikes snakes
Damn, i can't think of much about myself. i don't think i have any special faults.
I've never broken anything, if that counts, and I've been in pretty nasty situations.
I've two snakes that are next to my bed, lots of people are scared of them.
I drink ALOT of milk
I'm very patient and takes a lot to get me mad but once I'm mad i won't stop

Also, IRL, i talk way too much.
i'm a good liar, but i very rarely lie
i can tell a lot of the times when i am being lied too, i think i can read people relatively well
i've gotten in quite a few fights, i'm a big guy ;p
I sleep a lot. My record was 19 hours.
I am very lazy. I do stuff at last minute and manage to do a good grade
I never study but i manage to do well on tests
teachers usually dislike me because i never stop talking and do good in their class