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Interesting facts about yourself
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O.P. Interesting facts about yourself
I was thinking about life and achievements and all that, and then it occurred to me that every one of us have some little things about us that make us unique, or at least different from the majority of people out there. Please share anything that you consider an interesting fact about yourself (and you're comfortable with sharing, of course!).

Some of mine:

- I have never worn the Christian cross (as a necklace, etc), while it seems to be the most common decoration out there.
- I can eat anything without ever becoming fat.
- I have the letter-number synesthesia, which makes me intensely dislike and avoid number 4.
- I have a phobia of feathers - and I have never publicly admitted it before.

Now let's hear yours!

This post was edited on 01-24-2013 at 06:24 PM by Aeryn.
03-06-2008 10:21 PM
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RE: Interesting facts about yourself
- I have an odd little thing where I have to check about 10-20 times that my mobile phone really IS off, even though I know it is, and it doesn't come back on when I press a button, but I just have to check again and again. This actually really annoys me. >_>

- I have a fluffy toy collection that well exceeds one hundred. Several of my toys are unique and I'm the only owner of them in all the world. Some people think I'm a little weird for it, but I love my fluffy toys so much. :P

- I don't like looking at 'plain' fish, things like goldfish, cod and trout. They really, really creep me out for some reason. Yet I can eat fish, and I think tropical fish are pretty. But something about 'plain' types of fish when they're alive and swimming, or when they're like in a shop and still have their heads and tails, really bugs me and makes me feel ill.

Not sure how interesting any of these are, but hey. :P

This post was edited on 03-06-2008 at 10:41 PM by Tasha.
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but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?"
03-06-2008 10:40 PM
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RE: Interesting facts about yourself
I can add something for tasha, she strongly dislikes snakes

Damn, i can't think of much about myself. i don't think i have any special faults.

I've never broken anything, if that counts, and I've been in pretty nasty situations.
I've two snakes that are next to my bed, lots of people are scared of them.
I drink ALOT of milk
I'm very patient and takes a lot to get me mad but once I'm mad i won't stop :p
Also, IRL, i talk way too much.

i'm a good liar, but i very rarely lie
i can tell a lot of the times when i am being lied too, i think i can read people relatively well
i've gotten in quite a few fights, i'm a big guy ;p
I sleep a lot. My record was 19 hours.
I am very lazy. I do stuff at last minute and manage to do a good grade
I never study but i manage to do well on tests
teachers usually dislike me because i never stop talking and do good in their class :P

This post was edited on 03-08-2008 at 01:19 AM by Voldemort.
*All posts are a purely speculative hypothesis based on abstract reasoning.
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03-06-2008 10:42 PM
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RE: Interesting facts about yourself
-I have a big nose. (and i'm too sexy for it. (H))

-I have a fear of being a big room while in the dark (big room = about the length of a house)

-I twitch alot

-I still use my N64 :D

-I hate being in small groups ( about  < 3)

-I am a sleep hog.

-I once cut my foot open by talking through a ditch alleyway with bits of china and glass buried in it bare footed.

-I am competitive

-I am untidy

-I sweat in ~15'C

This post was edited on 03-07-2008 at 02:20 PM by Oxy.
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03-06-2008 10:47 PM
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RE: Interesting facts about yourself
Heres some of mine

- I was known as the hardest person in school
- I have a mental illness which im not saying here
- I was able to get served with alcohol at 13
- I have never taken drugs (illegal ones)
- I wear alot of gold
- I still own all my shiny Pokemon cards (267)

Thats all i can really think of for now.

A few more that i just thought of:

- I can click my, neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, fingers, top of my back, lower back, top of my legs, knees, ankles and toes
- Im 99% sure i have sciatica (runs in the family)
- I get soryasis (however you spell it) on my scalp when im depressed
- I failed all of my GCSE's even though I was one of the smartest in my class (I just never tried, I wrote like half a sentence for one of the English papers)
- I have to count down from 10 before I take a piss (wont come out otherwise)
- I can't trust no one
- I was bullied often in school, until i fought back, and beat them silly (I was often suspended for fighting)(It was after this i was known as the hardest person in the school)
- Its almost impossible to make me angry

This post was edited on 03-07-2008 at 09:42 AM by Justin.
03-06-2008 10:56 PM
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RE: Interesting facts about yourself
I'm awesome.
03-06-2008 10:58 PM
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RE: Interesting facts about yourself
My hands constantly shake after biting my nails (and skin) for years.
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03-07-2008 12:32 AM
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RE: Interesting facts about yourself
-Never had a cavity :D
-I have Tourettes
-I have never been out of canada (went into american waters, but that doesn't count)
-Never owned any video game system not made by Nintendo
-I "hacked" my school's computers (NetSupport) and hacked (truly) the schoolboards website. http://www.alcdsb.on.ca/ourschools/index.php?para...1337z.com/code.txt
They fixed it after about a year :p And their MySQL password which was plaintext in PMA config hasn't changed.

Originally posted by Haz
- I can eat anything without ever becoming fat.

This post was edited on 03-07-2008 at 01:31 AM by Baggins.
03-07-2008 12:55 AM
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RE: Interesting facts about yourself
Originally posted by Haz
- I have never worn the Christian cross (as a necklace, etc), while it seems to be the most common decoration out there.
- I can eat anything without ever becoming fat.
me too.

what else, umm...

-LEGO bricks were my favourite childhood toy (and my brothers put my experience to the test all the time)
-I can put my feet behind my head
-I have a twitch that happens randomly in my right big toe that comes and goes. Right eyebrow does sometimes too, but not as much
-I drink lots of liquids, maybe a bit too much. 2L of juice usually lasts a day or 2 at most.
-I live on my own, for just over a year now.
-I'm very blunt and open about things when I talk

I think thats enough?

I mix up b's and d's sometimes when I'm writing
I have a need for prefection

This post was edited on 03-07-2008 at 01:03 AM by MeEtc.
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03-07-2008 12:58 AM
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RE: Interesting facts about yourself
- I love reading and programming
- I've been coding for most of my teenage years

- I hate the sound of metal rubbing against metal (drives me insane)
- I dislike eating with metal spoons, i find they taste weird (I always eat with plastic ones ;<)
- I bite my nails, and its a habit i cant seem to stop :(

- I have certain writing issues like..
    - quite often i'll think something and then write the wrong word (Dysgraphia)
    - sometimes i'll write a word and know its right, then look at it a second later and think its wrong (even though its correct :<)

* -dt- thinks thats it....
* -dt- will post more if he thinks of anything

This post was edited on 03-07-2008 at 01:02 AM by -dt-.
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03-07-2008 01:00 AM
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