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Reloader Source ?
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RE: Reloader Source ?
Ok, i really think this thread should be closed =/ .

The concluding facts are that reverse engineering or stealing code from a developer/programmer is immoral and illegal. If you want to use another developer's code you should ask them explaining what you want to do with it (as Cookie said previously). If the programmer says "No" then simply thats it - its their choice, they put in all the effort to make it. It is their interlectual property covered by copyright laws.

Heard of the saying "Don't judge a book by its cover"? - TB was hung-over at the time, he has explained now that is the case and in a sense has apologised for his original answer. I'm sure somedays i act very strange, but that doesn't mean i'm a bad person or anyone else that goes through these different moods.

Now, to be honest TazDevil hasn't even really replied after the point TB made it clear that he would not share his code (which is fair enough). TazDevil did not "heat" up the argument or anything like this so lets please not vent this anger towards him.

Theres obviously a difference of opinon here and i'm trying to stay as neutral as i can. I'm sure everyone knows about all that crap if "if everyone was the same..." etc. The point is everyone is going to have different opinons on this matter.
Segosa is newb.
09-28-2005 11:51 AM
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RE: Reloader Source ?
Originally posted by TheBlasphemer
I didn't ask about TazDevils reasons to share, It's more about if you just plainly rip my code, how can you expect me to share anything else in the future?
furthermore, Why should I have puut a reason? He asked a question, I answered, There are no unwritten laws that force me to explain every answer I give.
Just a sidenote, I've always considered people calling you a "wanker" or "tosser" or any other insult to have misunderstood you or something, but this really made me change my mind about this. I can no longer say I disagree with them...

Alright, I don't care what the hell you think.
I wouldn't mind at all if some of you dropped from a fairly high building, but let's put it like this way:
I will not tolerate this kind of behaviour, simply stealing my code, nor will I tolerate people asking me something and then totally disregarding my answer.
I've totally had it. You should expect no more help, guiding, hints, sources, or freeware plugins from me.

When you rip other peoples' code do you expect them to make their software in the future? Oh man you're just FULL of double standards TB, please get some morals and principles before you try and impose your own bullshit "principles" on others. Why should you put a reason? It's common courtesy; he had the courtesy to ask you you should have the courtesy to give a decent justification. Hey, you know what, some of us wouldn't mind if YOU dropped from a fairly high building. You may be an above average coder but by God you're an inane, arrogant, immoral young man. No more plugins - great, they never worked properly anyway. How about all the other stupid things you've done? A site with Rolando to steal MSN passwords for example. They just inspire respect! Yeah, I'm bored of typing sarcasm to a child. Go and wallow in your pathos elsewhere.

* emit sighs

This post was edited on 09-28-2005 at 12:35 PM by emit.
09-28-2005 12:34 PM
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