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Your Views: Religion
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RE: Your Views: Religion
I'm a Druïd Necromist. I believe in the ghosts and the 3 wya's to die: Heaven (the 1st Gate), Hell (the second Heaven), Necromentis (Also known as Atlantis).

as we see the religions: Juwish & christians are 1, Muslims and satanists are 1, gothics + mediums + necromancers + boedists are 1
[Image: hahaandblabla.jpg]
07-23-2006 04:31 AM
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RE: Your Views: Religion
I do believe in God. I am a Christian. I'd have to say yes I am quite religious.

I'd like to ask a question to everyone relating to there beliefs. What is your view on the end of the world? Obviously I have my thoughts but I'm curious what others think. and if you do think there will be an end when do you think it will be?
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07-24-2006 03:49 AM
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RE: Your Views: Religion
Originally posted by DJeX
I'd like to ask a question to everyone relating to there beliefs. What is your view on the end of the world? Obviously I have my thoughts but I'm curious what others think. and if you do think there will be an end when do you think it will be?

Should make a different thread for that really... but ah, here goes...

It's either going to end from some huge world war with a lot of nukes and bombs and shit... or the suns going to blow up... that'll be the end of the world (if by world you mean the common useage like earth)... If you mean like humanity... I'm thinking some sort of space-war after the entire earth is completely gone.
07-24-2006 03:52 AM
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RE: Your Views: Religion
i saught of believe in God but don't, , but if there really was a God, i don't think he'd have people suffering from Cancer etc
07-24-2006 04:17 AM
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RE: Your Views: Religion
Originally posted by Negro_Joe
I don’t believe in God, and i think religion is pointless. At one time or another religion was "invented" it wasn’t born out of nothing, so how can something invented be based upon fact. Different religions have come and gone and others have changed vastly over time so how can this be all based on the same god, it just doesn’t seem to make sense. Religion is full of contradictions and i think the world would be a better place without it. Terrorists use bombs and murders as acts of religion. These people have taken something, a rule, or teaching and completely warped it to suit their own means there is nothing religious about it. Religion is a cause for conflict and not much else.

I've been thinking a bit over the weekend and I don't think religion is such a bad thing after-all.

It's only extremists that use their religion as an excuse to bring harm upon others, and that's a select few. Religion has always been there, people have always worshipped something that may or may not be there, even if it isn't there. At least it gives people comfort when they die, somebody to pray to when they lose somebody close to... or even hope when they're in a time of need (poverty, hunger etc.)

I don't believe that Jesus Christ was a miracle worker, I believe he was a good man and that's it, somebody who people can look up to as an example. His stories were definitely exaggerated (As they weren't literally written by his disciples, they were written hundreds of years later by people who had heard the stories off of people who heard it off of another person, and so on and so forth.)

The people who are terrorists have a warped religion, but like I said earlier that is a select few. Not all muslims are terrorists. They may have some beliefs that are different to our own, but they're just themselves and we should let them be, as long as they don't harm others in their path.

You can't say that religion is only a cause for conflict either, think of the people who don't have anyone in the world at the moment, other than "god". They go to church every week thinking they get a place into heaven because it comforts them, makes them feel good. Religion even sets examples for people and what they do, the way they should treat situations and respect other people.

What would the world be like without religion? I don't think it would be any better than it is now, chances are that it would be a lot worse, as who would we have to look up to? Everybody living in the world today has problems, stuff that isn't a good example for children, whereas if somebody taught their children the way that Jesus lived and how good he treated people, it's a perfect example of how people should be.

I'm not a religion person at all, I don't go to Church and I don't believe that there is a God. I do, however, respect other peoples choices and understand that religion isn't necessarily a bad thing. I don't believe that Jesus was a miracle worker, or that he was the son of god... The divine birth etc. was all just exaggerations of peoples stories around a camp-fire. Jesus was just a normal man who was a great example for others.
07-25-2006 12:56 AM
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