Originally posted by nimicitor
Originally posted by PenguinBoy
First time i drank was when i was very depressed and was out with a load of sixthformers all a couple year older than me, so i drank up got happy and laughed my way home. I'm quite happy i did because if it had been otherwise i would have spent the night moping in my own self pity.
If you need to drink to be happy, then you must be extremely sad.
Unfortunately i think i'm what they call a binge drinker(very bad for u apparently ).
not to mention stupid. and when your liver is rotting, you will expect DECENT people to replace it with a new one. your digging your own grave.
yes i was very sad from trouble with my girlfriend and got happy, maybe it was cheap and superficial, but it worked. And i never said i would expect any decent people to replace my liver. i demand livers from bastards please. if not, i refuse riteous livers! lol
Anyhoo in all seriousness man, it would be better if u didn't call people stupid. Argue ur point, honestly i am interested to hear it! but attacking me doesn't really help me focus on the points ur making, and i'm sure u want me to listen so please try to phrase things differently.
Alcohol cuts down a life-span, so does stress.
That was quite supprising btw, i've just been talking to my friend bout a'cutting down on his drug intake. something like drinking is completely over looked. Infact i was telling him to cut out the crack and stick with the booze. As a safer place to dwell. (note that i didn't tell him he was stupid, rather i encouraged him to calm down on the stuff and to )
to all: is it better to drink regularly and then get totally drunk at a party.
or is it better to drink the same amount at the party but to drink nothing the rest of the time.
Because people talk about the dangers of binge drinking, but most people i know either binge drink, or drink regularly but with equal yet overlooked binges aswell.
And in referance to the initial question, I think yes, drinking is fassionable and it makes u feel better, but u need to look after urselves. Allot of Anti-drug/anti-smoking/anti-drink initiatives, and school education methods are in denial.
Smoking makes u feel good and it makes u look kool. this is true.
but if the education system actually accepted this and tried to help people out instead of telling them they're stupid for making such decisions they'd probably get allot further.