Hmmm...tried searching for my original post which I swear I posted somewhere here (I must have because I remember making a comment about Chrono and Tochjo on it and about a chain......oh well.....)
Basically came here after the sponsor program was first launched looking for help with it (whilst trying to convince my dad that everything was okay and I would get rid of the next millenia or so) but had been using it before hand after trying several other programs. I originally only wanted away messages and after trying the rest, I found the best (How corny was that last bit).
Been around ever since although I seemed to have moved away from the support section into GCC. But with great friends that I have made over the time that I have been here (there's far too many to start naming them, but those dearest know who they are
you all)) I guess I just decided to hang around...and well... I could get all patriotic....but I won't
* Vazza goes off to make a new years resolution: must help out more often