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[Release] Countdown Live (Latest: 2.2.021)
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RE: [Release] Countdown Live (Latest: 1.0.126)
yeah, same for me with the german language, which i had translate...

btw. its not included in ur installer yet...
08-27-2006 07:34 PM
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O.P. RE: RE: [Release] Countdown Live (Latest: 1.0.126)
Originally posted by CookieRevised

Oh no! There comes Cookie again! :P
I didn't have had a detailed look at the script, but after an extremely quick glance I saw you use a function called
addslashes(). That function can be done extremely shorter:

//Adds slashes before special characters of regular expressions
function addslashes(str) {
    return str.replace(/(\W)/g,'\\$1')

Hmm... That would replace any non-word characters. I agree it's lots easier, but is it really necessary to replace a "#" character? ^o)
Another thing (rather important) you want to implement (but it will require recoding major parts): If a tag is not used, the value should be incoorperated with the tags that are used.

This means, for example, when you have:
  %d days %h hours %n minutes => 2 days 5 hours 3 minutes
and you leave out the days tag it should become:
  %h hours %n minutes => 53 hours 3 minutes
That's indeed lots harder, since you don't know what parts should be kept and what should be left out. I could combine "%d" and "%dw" to "%d" which displays "3 days", but I think I better implement those other suggestions you've posted... :P
- Update interval must be 15 seconds (or even higher) or higher
Here comes another increament of the minimum interval! 8-|
- The countdown tag is restricted in size, remove that
The problem is: how? I've looked for solutions in the Windows XML Reference in the Scripts Documentation but there are no properties available which let the typing area of the combobox go further than the width of the control. :(
- Wrong wording in "reset my psm when countdown is activated" ? (=> 'activated' must be 'deactivated').
Damn it! Totally right. :-#
- The nickname checkbox is too close to the psm checkbox. psm checkbox might need more space too for other translations.
No problem, I move them. Thanks.
- The menu after the countdown tag combobox is good, but seems a bit strange that it pops up. One could expect it to pop down. (dunno if this is intended or if this is Plus!'s doing)
It's Plus!' fault. :P I wonder how Patchou made the menu in the debugging window to drop down... ^o)
- Change the wording "countdown tag" to "tag" or "(!CD) tag" (or let it also update to countup when a date in the past is selected)
Hmm... good point, I will keep "tag" then. :)
- Make it possible to use \n (new line) and \t (tab) in translation texts.
\n is already supported, I already thought about adding \t but I wonder why it should be used for... if you can give me just one example, I add it. :P
- Even if same language is selected and one presses ok or apply, read the file again and apply the new translations (very usefull for translators).
Good idea, thanks! :)
- If an error needs to be shown (eg: the interval is too low) do it in a messagebox, not a toast
This is changed in build 130, it was in a toast since I was quite n00bish with the Windows API that day. :P
- I would change the order of the context menu to:
1) activate
2) refresh
3) -----------
4) options
5) About
6) --------
7) check for updates
in anyways, putting options before check for updates as options is more important and more used (the check for updates isn't needed in the menu though imho, as it is available in the options screen already)
Very good idea, I surely will change that.
Also, here is a correction for the Dutch language (some things corrected, other things replaced so it closer matches Plus!'s translation).

And also the English language (also with some stuff fixed as listed above)
Can I hug you now? That's just an awesome fix! :D


Originally posted by jmccarroll
When I exit out of MSN and restart it, my language automatically switches to Dutch.
Hmm... I'll look for that. Thanks for reporting. :)


Prepare for 135 soon! (I hope before 1 September... school... sigh)

This post was edited on 08-28-2006 at 04:39 PM by Matti.
Plus! Script Developer | Plus! Beta Tester | Creator of Countdown Live | Co-developer of Screenshot Sender 5

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08-28-2006 04:37 PM
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RE: [Release] Countdown Live (Latest: 1.0.126)
Ok I love this script. But I would like to do a little change and I need help because It has a really long code. The script blocks users from changing the update interval to less then 10 seconds. What do I have to change to be able to set the minimum update interval to 3 or 5 seconds?
[Image: Zeh.png][Image: x copy.jpg]
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08-28-2006 05:06 PM
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O.P. RE: [Release] Countdown Live (Latest: 1.0.126)
Originally posted by Zeh
Ok I love this script. But I would like to do a little change and I need help because It has a really long code. The script blocks users from changing the update interval to less then 10 seconds. What do I have to change to be able to set the minimum update interval to 3 or 5 seconds?
It's very unsafe to lower the interval below 6 seconds, since you can change your name/personal message only 10 times per minute. (WLM limitation)
However, if you really want to do this, then look in func.js for
var iMin = 10; //Minimum interval
and change it to the amount of seconds you want to be the minimum.
Don't claim I didn't warn you! :P
Plus! Script Developer | Plus! Beta Tester | Creator of Countdown Live | Co-developer of Screenshot Sender 5

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08-28-2006 05:41 PM
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RE: [Release] Countdown Live (Latest: 1.0.126)
Ok thankz. If I set the minimum to 6 seconds then I will only change the psm 10 times in a minute so there should be no problem.
[Image: Zeh.png][Image: x copy.jpg]
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08-28-2006 05:50 PM
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RE: RE: [Release] Countdown Live (Latest: 1.0.126)
Originally posted by Mattike
It's very unsafe to lower the interval below 6 seconds, since you can change your name/personal message only 10 times per minute. (WLM limitation)
However, if you really want to do this, then look in func.js for
var iMin = 10; //Minimum interval
and change it to the amount of seconds you want to be the minimum.
Don't claim I didn't warn you! :P

what about nitemares countdown script doesnt that change more than 10seconds a minute
08-28-2006 07:08 PM
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RE: [Release] Countdown Live (Latest: 1.0.126)
Originally posted by boston
what about nitemares countdown script doesnt that change more than 10seconds a minute
out of fairness, i'll answer this question

my script will allow you to change your personal message every second if you want, but there are 2 down sides, that will apper in any script like this:
1. the lower the refreah rate( or what ever mattike calls it in his) the more times your timer gets updated(duh) and the more LOG entries are made
so if you have it set to change every second your chat logs will be FLOODED with changes, and there is no solid way around this at the present time apart from turning off the logs making hte name change, then turning them back on, BUT you could lose messages that way, so its not safe to do

2. if you set it to refreash less then every 6 seconds, it will show on your computer, you can see it count down by the second, but on every other computer, it only updates every 6 seconds

thats for personal message atleast, i don't know about nicknames, i'm still working with that one. i've been busy with my job

bottom line, the lower the change rate, the worse off you are, i recommend 5 to 15 minutes
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08-28-2006 09:20 PM
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RE: RE: RE: [Release] Countdown Live (Latest: 1.0.126)
Originally posted by Mattike
Hmm... That would replace any non-word characters. I agree it's lots easier, but is it really necessary to replace a "#" character?
It totally doesn't matter if characters are escaped which don't need to be escaped. Better escape characters than forgetting to escape some. The shown regular expression is a typical one used for this purpose (and works also way faster than your code).

Originally posted by Mattike
Another thing (rather important) you want to implement (but it will require recoding major parts): If a tag is not used, the value should be incoorperated with the tags that are used.

This means, for example, when you have:
  %d days %h hours %n minutes => 2 days 5 hours 3 minutes
and you leave out the days tag it should become:
  %h hours %n minutes => 53 hours 3 minutes
That's indeed lots harder, since you don't know what parts should be kept and what should be left out.
It is actually dead easy to implement this.

Instead of replacing every %d-like tags the first time, you set a mark that the tag is being used. After processing all the possible tags, you pass the whole string again, but this time replace the tags with the correct number.

1) see what tags are being used
2) calculate the seconds, minutes, hours, etc... as needed (thus if tags are being used)
3) pass the whole string again and replace the tags with the correct seconds, minutes, hours, etc...

Originally posted by Mattike
I could combine "%d" and "%dw" to "%d" which displays "3 days", but I think I better implement those other suggestions you've posted... :P
don't combine them, you'll regret it as this makes the code very confusing and unneeded big. the word tags actually don't have any relation to the number tags (except for the check if it needs to be plural or singular). If the user for whatever reason wants to use only the word tags without number tags, that's his problem, your script should just check if the word tags needs to be plural or singular and replace them.

Originally posted by Mattike
- The countdown tag is restricted in size, remove that
The problem is: how? I've looked for solutions in the Windows XML Reference in the Scripts Documentation but there are no properties available which let the typing area of the combobox go further than the width of the control. :(
Are you sure??? If so, that's an important thing which must be changed in the scripting engine then...

Originally posted by Mattike
- Make it possible to use \n (new line) and \t (tab) in translation texts.
\n is already supported, I already thought about adding \t but I wonder why it should be used for... if you can give me just one example, I add it. :P
\n isn't supported yet (at least not with the version I used.
\t can be used to visibily make texts look better. The point is that you don't need an example. It is something which can be used.

eg: It is not because in the English translation of Plus! the \t tag isn't used that it shouldn't be supported. As a matter of fact, in the Dutch translation I used the \t quite a lot to format text so it looks way better.

Shouldn't be that hard either to implement since it is only 1 replace line to add.

Originally posted by NiteMare
thats for personal message atleast, i don't know about nicknames, i'm still working with that one. i've been busy with my job
With nicknames it is even worse and you will also get a error message when you change it to much...

Also don't forget, everything you do isn't only an annoyance for you in your event log, but waaaaaaay more importantly it is super-annoying for your contacts and you also flood the msn servers.

This post was edited on 08-29-2006 at 10:49 AM by CookieRevised.
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08-29-2006 10:45 AM
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RE: [Release] Countdown Live (Latest: 1.0.126)
I installed countdown live, and i went to plus but how do i use it? Where do i go? I cannot find any options in this countdown like in your screenshots.
08-29-2006 12:12 PM
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RE: RE: [Release] Countdown Live (Latest: 1.0.126)
Originally posted by NiteMare
2. if you set it to refreash less then every 6 seconds, it will show on your computer, you can see it count down by the second, but on every other computer, it only updates every 6 seconds

But the PSM can be updated more than once every 6 seconds, but only 10 times a minute, so wouldn't doing that in your script show your contacts an update every second (for 10 seconds) and then no update for 50 seconds after that?
08-29-2006 01:43 PM
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