Originally posted by Mnjul
Well, Choli, good news and bad news.
The good is the Chinese words are showed correctly, and while typing Chinese words, it has no problem.
The bad is...After I click on save, the save operation performs wrong. Instead of the correct Chinese words, it writes two bytes of ANSI Code(like ¸Õ ) for one Chinese word.
If you have questions about this just ask me...
mmm.... interesting...
Mnjul (and anyone who has similar problems) please, sendme a short text file with the 2 bytes ansi and the chinese word. also please run the program with any argument (goto start > run, type cmd and then CD to the directory and execute msgplustrans.exe any_argument), type some Chinese words and send me the text that apears in the textbox where is usually the english translation)
you can write something like:
your program writes ¸Õ but it should be 安
the rtf code is {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial Unicode MS;}}
\par }
Where i wrote
if should be ... put your chinese word, not the code (i think these forums doesn't allow me to put that chinese words)
Please, save that text file in unicode (like the Lang_*.ini files are) and send it to me via PM, via mail or posting it here. Thanks.
Originally posted by sock
A. When reading the values from the files, replace "\n" with a newline and "\t" with a tab. When writing text to the file, do the opposite.
B. Find a way to show the comments for each setting?
C. It doesn't seem to work with Hebrew. All the Hebrew letters are replaced with question marks, like this:
A. -> Ok, i'll try to implement that, and also the underlined -> &
B. -> That's a bit more complex because the way I use to read the files is using a Windows API that skips the comments. Anyway, i'll also try.
C. -> Hebrew is a right-to-left language, isn't it? Please, sock, do the same as i told Mnjul, and also try writing some text in Word and copy-paste to my program and send it too. A little image showing what shows my program and what shows word (as it should be) is also wellcomed.
Originally posted by Mippo
This Windows sure is crappy... Now he's looking for Richtx32.ocx
If you can't find it, PM me or email me and I'll send it to you