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Your Views: Religion
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O.P. Your Views: Religion
I saw Absorbation's thread about your Views and i thought that was a good idea so i have created another thread about a different topic.

I saw another thread about some towers where it was a muslim only day. Many people replied with views on religion, so i have made this thread to discusse the topic of Religion.

Do you believe there is a god/s? What do you think of Religions? have some Religions gone to far with some of there  rules? Are you religous? Do you think religion causes to much violence? If you are religious why do you believe there is a god?

Please trie not to be racist

This post was edited on 07-22-2006 at 05:47 AM by Discrate.
07-22-2006 05:47 AM
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RE: Your Views: Religion
i do not belive, religion has causes way to much conflict in the world for no reason.
07-22-2006 08:37 AM
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RE: Your Views: Religion
I am a theist (I feel like the only one here) :).

Originally posted by Discrate
If you are religious why do you believe there is a god?

I just think how are we here. The universe is a big place, something must of made it.
07-22-2006 09:27 AM
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RE: Your Views: Religion
I don't think there is a god. People use god to explain why we are here, however, if you explain that we are here because another sentient being created us, it just brings the question of how did that being come to exist. And I think most religions conviniently ignore that.
07-22-2006 09:44 AM
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RE: Your Views: Religion
Well I believe things are not meant to be black and white, that would make life too easy. Maybe we have to find religion, despite it maybe highly unlikely to be true. I mean if God came down everyday, it's evidence he exists, and it would be too easy to live your life. I Believe this life is designed to be a challenge.
07-22-2006 09:53 AM
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Oh so retro

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RE: Your Views: Religion
Do you believe there is a god/s?
Not sure. I don't believe any creation stories up to the point of the big bang, but after that, I have no idea.

What do you think of Religions?
Bad. Ok, so maybe most people that are religious don't go on killing sprees and are everyday happy nice people. But what do they do if we eventually prove that there isn't a God? Unlike in the past where people used "God did it" for an excuse to things they didn't know, where it wasn't actually that important to be proved wrong, this would undermine their entire faith. I'm pretty certain if this happened a lot of people would be "lost".
Whereas with atheists, if we proved God existed, then they'd just be like "ah crap, we were wrong, lets get on with worshipping this dude."

Have some Religions gone to far with some of their rules?
Yes. It's the whole sexist thing. In most widespread religions (christianity, islam, etc) women are treated way worse than men. Although in Christianity it's not so bad in modern days (they're even considering female bishops last I heard (although it's strange for a religious body to accept a "gay" leader before a woman, but whatever)) we can still see Islam being used (I'm not saying this is the whole point of the religion) to keep women almost persecuted in Islamic countries (* thinks Afghanistan).
As I said, I'm not saying this is what the *religion* teaches, but it is what people interpret the religion to say (or exploit it). But in effect, in my opinion anyway, religions are only there to keep people in line anyway.

Are you religous?
No way.

Do you think religion causes too much violence?
Not religion in itself, but the way it's interpreted. And to be quite honest, without religion people would just find another reason to kill each other.

If you are religious why do you believe there is a god?
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07-22-2006 09:55 AM
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RE: Your Views: Religion
I respect others religion...let everybody believe what they want, just don't force it upon me (in order of trying to convince me i oughta follow your religion..if certain things are off limits because of your belief i will respect that and adjust, not make a fuss about it). Now if everybody would look at it that way there'd be no more fights over religion in the world.

Religions are like everything else...it depends on how the believer interprets it.

Personally i do not follow a certain religion.

This post was edited on 07-22-2006 at 10:12 AM by Sunshine.
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07-22-2006 10:03 AM
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John Anderton
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RE: Your Views: Religion
I for one respect others' religion and allow them to do w/e then want untill and unless it is interfering with something someone else is doing.

I expect the same from all other right minded people.

God may exist as a supreme force. When i meet him, ill let you know. And i dont exactly follow any religion but i like to know about some of them cause the people around me do. Part of religious tolerance i guess 8-)


07-22-2006 10:35 AM
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RE: Your Views: Religion
I'm not religious. But there is no solid evidence of either the existence or absence of a deity, so that's why I wouldn't hurry in claiming that there is no god whatsoever and that's it. I guess the easiest way to think of it would be that there exists whatever you decide to believe in.

As far as violence is concerned, I think we all know plenty of examples from history which demonstrate how far religious beliefs can take people and how religion can be used to disguise one's true goals. And in that sense, religion, like all ideas, can be a very dangerous thing.

All in all, I think that if one wants to follow a certain set of beliefs and feels that their life will benefit from that, then why not. We all believe, or at least want to believe, in something. However, what I consider wrong is claiming to follow a certain religion and not always living according to it, the "I'll go to church on every sunday and I can live however the hell I want the rest of the time" mentality. If one has decided to follow a certain belief, it should follow through in every moment of their life.

Originally posted by Sunshine
let everybody believe what they want, just don't force it upon me
Indeed, it's everyone's own choice what to believe in.
07-22-2006 10:37 AM
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John Anderton
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RE: Your Views: Religion
Originally posted by Haz
Indeed, it's everyone's own choice what to believe in.
If only that would actually happen this world would be a waaaay better place :<
Unfortunately .....


07-22-2006 10:50 AM
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