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Official Msgplus Chat Channel?
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RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel?
Apparently a new "official" chatchan has been added to webchat. I don't get it..it won't change a thing...if it's the same people :mipdodgy:

Tell me honestly what is so different about that chan? Does nobody get what i was trying to explain inhere? Who decided on this? I'm so sick an tired of people thinking they can do better....*sigh*

This post was edited on 11-03-2005 at 02:37 PM by Sunshine.
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11-03-2005 02:35 PM
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RE: RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel?
Originally posted by Time
Cookie: yet read through yesterday's log; John Anderton, mwe99, lordy16... were they abused? Were they <insert whatever pointless accusations you have cited here>? And look at the regulars we've had join the channel lately... hexel, Haz, rix - they have fitted straight in. These are not-so-regulars accepting the channel.
:rolleyes: Am I'm talking about 1 specific day, namely yesterday? I think not... I'm talking about what happened over the past years and how it sometimes seriously escalated.

Originally posted by Time
It should never have been official. EOF. It should, as was intended, just been an outlet for the helpers in #msgplus to chat and have the anarchy that should not exist in #msgplus. Simple.
The association with Plus was forced upon the channel by the webchat button; something the regularls never wanted, never embraced. So, in spirit, the channel is not an extension of Plus.
Then where were you all this time? Or where were all the others who didn't liked it that it was added? As apparently everybody didn't liked it according to you... Except for a extremely few people, I never heared someone complaining it was added...

And again, at the time it was added it was a channel where ops and regulars were friendly to all people.  So your point is again irrelevant and wrong...

Originally posted by Time
Idling has everything to do with it. If you don't take an active part in the channel, you're not a part of the channel's "community".
As I said before (again; I seem to repeat myself) I was a very regular member of #msgplus and #banana, even before you were there. I practically "lived" there. And I was also a very regular member until recently... So your point is again irrelevant and wrong...

Originally posted by Time
Just because #banana is on the Plus IRC server, a server which doesn't actually belong to anyone in the community even, doesn't associate it with Plus by default.
Apparently it is useless to talk senseable to you... Did you even read my previous posts?

If you think that the channels listed on the applet aren't official, or if you think that the "official chat channel" as it was called aren't official, then you either must be extremely dumb or either have no sense at all about the people around you (aka egoistic selfcentered ego), Time...

Yes, and I know these are flames...

Originally posted by Time
So why are you not in #msgplus on EFnet? It represents the image of Plus, it gets people who need help in it and it is known as the alternative to the Plus server should the server ever experience downtime.
#msgplus on EFnet is NOT the official help channel. And in case the current server would be down and everything would be shifted to EFnet, I WILL be there. In fact, read your precious logs, you otherwise are always so quick to use them in your advantage, well you'll see that I was there in times things were temporarly shifted. So your point is again irrelevant and wrong...

Originally posted by Time
You're not an official representative of Plus so why are you projecting this image that you have to look after everything Plus related.
Did I ever say I was the official representative of Plus? Did I ever say I have to look after everything Plus related?
NO! I do it out of my unofficial free will, because I simply care...

Originally posted by Time
Just part and save us regulars who enjoy how the channel is the hassle of your derogatory opinion. It's not official anymore so there's no need for you to lord it over Plus' precious image.
That's convenient, isn't it?.. Now that it was removed from the applet, you dismiss everything simply with the onliner "it isn't official anymore so stfu"... Very mature of you indeed...

Originally posted by Time
The 35 regulars in there would not have become regulars were it as bad as you lay claim to it being.
There would be more if it wasn't so bad at times.

This post was edited on 11-03-2005 at 02:44 PM by CookieRevised.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.
11-03-2005 02:43 PM
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RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel?
You know what?

I'm closing this stupid thread because you know, it's really giving me the shits to see you people acting like this (especially the "OMFG you have the official chat channel now? who let you? etc").

Here is something I said on IRC before, and i'll stand by it.

<&surfichris> its just a chat channel.. tbfh
<&surfichris> the whole idea of
<&surfichris> an
<&surfichris> official chat channel that represents the community
<&surfichris> is just stupid.
<&surfichris> its a damn chat channel. the end.
<&surfichris> its only added there for people to join and chat if they ever so wish.

Just because it is on the webchat doesn't make it official of any sort. Do you see other large networks policing chat channels to make sure people aren't swearing, abusing etc etc? No. Don't give me that crap about it being different, because its not.

This shit has escalated far too much, thanks mostly to the trolls who come on the network and get banned for being stupid feeding the argument of how bad the "IRC people" are..

This post was edited on 11-03-2005 at 02:51 PM by surfichris.
11-03-2005 02:50 PM
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