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Don't do drugs
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RE: Don't do drugs
It's not like I do it everyday, and that I'm a drug addict. I've never smoked a whole joint thing whatever they call it. I've mearly took 2 or 3 puffs and about fell over laughing. I dont like it, and wouldnt do it again :p.
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08-26-2005 10:24 PM
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RE: Don't do drugs
i drink occasionally with some friends, but just to the point i start to feel funny (5 beers or so :P). But ive never done drugs.. although a lot of my friends smoke weed sometims.. i think it smells aweful and i dont smoke.. so i dont do it even if they try to pass me a joint.. so its a full no drugs and a 'just for the occaision' to alcohol

oh yeah ben.. I hope your GF gets 101% better :)
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08-26-2005 10:42 PM
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RE: Don't do drugs
Proxy, how can you compare driving a car to taking drugs? o_O. Driving a car doesn't get you do weird stuff like drugs do. If you drive a car you still know what you're doing (unless your a speedfreak that can't control himself, then you'd best stop..) while this often isn't the case with drugs.
If you compare taking drugs to driving a car, then you can compare taking drugs to anything, as everything can get you killed.

I know not all drugs are bad. A joint for example isn't bad, but once you get used to what it gives you you just want more so you go to other drugs. This is where it goes wrong, because it damages you.

People can say they say no to peer pressure, but if people didn't listen to the pressure then we wouldn't be speaking of peer pressure. There are indeed people (luckely) that can say no, but a lot of people can't. How would you else explain that so many teenagers smoke? Don't tell me they all saw a sigaret lying and thought: "hey, why not try it?". (yes, again, there are people stupid enough to do this, but a lot of people just get it from their friends). What Ben his gf did is an excellent example of peer pressure.

This post was edited on 08-26-2005 at 11:33 PM by Kryptonate.
08-26-2005 11:31 PM
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L. Coyote
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RE: Don't do drugs
Firstly: Ben, hope she gets better and you two talk about it. (Y)

* L. Coyote throws himself into the sea of discussions.

Personally, taking drugs (in small ammounts) every month or so is ok.

If you do it every day (or many times a week) it will take over at one point or destroy your body. You might not care now, but if you ever try to get out you'll find it very difficult.

Everything is ok when you control it.

This post was edited on 08-27-2005 at 12:12 AM by L. Coyote.

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08-26-2005 11:54 PM
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RE: Don't do drugs
Her friends arnt very responsible to allow such a thing to happen. I know my friends and my partners friends wouldnt allow such a thing to happen.
She wont tell you what she took? Whats that go there, yous have a very open realtionship.
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08-27-2005 12:07 AM
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RE: RE: RE: Don't do drugs
Originally posted by nimicitor
Originally posted by Rubber Stamp
i hope she gets out of hospital real soon, fully recovered and deaddicted.

amen to that (Y)

i hope your gf is ok ben.

I also agree.

I ocasonly drink wine but not much.
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08-27-2005 12:08 AM
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RE: Don't do drugs
That's reallly sad man, but I have a tiny feeling she tried crystal meth.  And I hope to god she didn't.  Crystal meth will screw you up right from the beginning, seriously.   It's starting to come into this town that I live in, but I know no one stupid enough to try it.  But of course it could be another drug.  I've only done weed in my life, and that has tiny side effects, compared to heroin, cocain, or meth.  I prolly won't go any further than that.  But I hope that she doesn't get into this anymore, I hope she learned a lesson.
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08-27-2005 01:13 AM
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RE: Don't do drugs
Ok, first off, im going to go off into a rant-type-story here, so skip this post if you're not up for reading it.

XxRebelSeanxX, its that kind of thinking that ends up hurting people.  "I've only done it 4x, another time wont hurt me"...thats the mindset drug addicts get into, and once you're there, you pretty much stay their unless you enter lockup.

Both of my siblings have had serious drug problems and everyday it makes me think more and more about how I will not EVER do drugs and up like them.  My sister recovered and has been clean for 6 years now, and my brother is still actively refusing that he is addicted.  His addiction, you might ask?  Marijuana.  And dont give me bullshit about it not being addicting, he likes the high and thats the addiction, he kept going back and now its a mental state for him to take weed whenever he is stressed.

Weed, Alcohol, Cigarettes, all of it does the same thing.  It addicts you.  And once you're in, you need to be locked in a facility with tight screening of visitors before you get better.  When I used to go see my sister when I was younger and she was in, they would literally check us down to our socks to ensure we didnt have drugs to pass on to her or any of the other addicts.  Its not a fun thing being locked in a drug institution either.

So, before you pick up a drug, think about the consequences that will more than likely happen as a result. One things for certain...if you're doing drugs constantly, you are not going to know me much longer.

Hope things work out for you and her, Ben!

This post was edited on 08-27-2005 at 01:33 AM by Dane.
08-27-2005 01:31 AM
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RE: RE: Don't do drugs
Originally posted by Time
nothing wrong with doing a few recreational drugs. that shit's good for keeping chilled. don't let the few extremely rare bad cases put you off drugs.

theres no way to tell you how much i disagree with you, my ex-gf's friend experamented on some "e", the mix was bad and she passed out, and smacked her head, the parametics arived and found her, and put her on life support, they arived at the hospital, and found she was brian dead, her family kept her on life support for the rest of the day, becasue it was her birthday, and they didn't want her to die on her birthday,

i heard that story and i will NEVER do drugs, you always have a chance of dying, even on the first try
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08-27-2005 01:55 AM
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RE: RE: Don't do drugs

Originally posted by mwe99
You can't just say 'no' as it is, people suffer from lots of pressure, for example peer pressure, especially with alcohol and smoking and drugs
Originally posted by qgroessl
Peer pressure sucks.... But I usually don't give in to it.... and about saying no to alcohol... I firmly believe that alcohol isn't a bad thing (like smoking and drugs)... AS LONG AS!  you do it in decent amounts, and you drink responsibly..... I used to smoke a bit... but I quit on that habit as soon as I realized that it could seriously screw up some things I have going for me in my life.... Drugs... Well they're just all around bad.... I mean.... I've taken vicadin illegally a few times... but I did it for pain.....

Tobacco is a bit different too.... I mean, I wouldn't ever smoke a cigar, but I love the smell of cigar smoke.... and chew... well, Tried it once, really didn't like the flavor at all, and it's pretty pointless... So i'd never do it again.

You smoked but you didnt?
u smoked pot?
*All posts are a purely speculative hypothesis based on abstract reasoning.
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08-27-2005 03:45 AM
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