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RE: Opinions on Windows Vista’s release date
I agree, it's buggy, but hopefully it will end good.

I'm gonna try it, but I'll go back to XP.
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08-06-2006 04:33 PM
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Originally posted by Patchou
Note: don't misinterpret my news post... I do think Vista will be a great OS, I just think it needs more time from its current state to the first public release. Without such time, the quality wont be what it's supposed to be and I'm afraid we'll hear a lot more complains than praises. And once people go back to XP, it will be pretty hard to make them move again.

But what about that little chance that microsoft worked their ass off, got everything working and really think that it's ready? On the other hand, microsoft's common way of working; the OS will be released 3 months after the date it is said to be. No-one sticked to '98 because it was damn ugly (and had stability lacks). Sure they will have to attract people with other factors now. But new pc's will be shipped with the OS, so i don't really think they will hurt themselves (many people believe in microsoft, like it or not), and certainly won't downgrade for all reasons you could imagine. But apart from that, I do understand your way of thinking, and it's right to say that releasing it now is a little early looking to what we've seen so far..
But that is my opinion!

[Image: djexcaround.gif]
08-06-2006 08:05 PM
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I found this interesting to read. I'm no active programmer, but I know that without proper documentation it's about impossible to do a program to be included into a system. Makes sense. So I understand part of Patchou's post.

On the other side, and not that I am very well informed... but I visit a german news site on a regular base, and they use to post updates about Vista quite often. From there I could learn that since the public beta, a LOT has been changed on Vista and the actual build is far far far better than what most of us installed. Here's a list of changes btw, although I guess it's not complete:


Well, you can read it yourself, it seems the public beta helped Microsoft to improve Vista a lot. Also, it's reported to be far more stable and a lot faster now. As an example... the latest build takes only about 30 minutes to be fully installed and ready on a 2500MHz machine... feel the difference? As for the performance... on my machine even the beta goes faster than my well set up XP system. I assume as soon as more bugs are removed and better drivers released, it will be faster for more and more people.

This might sound as if I defend Vista... well, maybe I do, I don't know. It's just... I installed and tested it, and I found it to work quite well... apart of a few display driver hangups when playing Guild Wars... (A)... I'm going to buy it shortly after release, even if there are lots of patches afterwards... who cares, a lot of software is being released before completely done anyway.

As for the documentation... Patchou, let them know, probably more people complain, and the more complain... the faster they will release development kits and/or documentation... no ? 8-|
08-06-2006 09:59 PM
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Originally posted by Islander


Well, you can read it yourself, it seems the public beta helped Microsoft to improve Vista a lot. Also, it's reported to be far more stable and a lot faster now. As an example... the latest build takes only about 30 minutes to be fully installed and ready on a 2500MHz machine... feel the difference? As for the performance... on my machine even the beta goes faster than my well set up XP system. I assume as soon as more bugs are removed and better drivers released, it will be faster for more and more people.

Well it sounds like they are doing better form that site and your post, now i am very interested to how good the release will be. Maybe they will have a lot of the major bugs gone and only a few minor bugs left. We will see.
[Image: jumbled.png]
08-06-2006 10:37 PM
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Originally posted by SonicSam
* SonicSam hates the Continue button now for Vista making me click it so many different times 

Luckily this is a lot better in build 5472 (post-beta2) :P, but yeah UAP (User Account Protection) still needs some more work. If they get it refined well enough then there should be no reason for people to turn it off :).
Segosa is newb.
08-08-2006 04:17 AM
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Here's an idea

For all you people scared of installing it.

how about you download http://www.vmware.com/
VMware its free(well there free version on the site somewhere)

I use it, have linux ubuntu, fedora core 5, Suse 10.1, and Vista lol

And then my good old trustie OS windows Xp, the rest run of vmware with out losing my own OS :-)

Great for testing i say.
08-09-2006 10:24 AM
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Personally i think Microsoft needs to get its game together. I think one of their issues is probably backwards compatability, and i think they should be taking a page out of Apple's book and phasing out the 9x line of software, like OSX did to OS9.

One thing they do is struggle to make the os visually appealing and are failing and losing functionality. Personally I have no use for transparent windows and such from aero, and crap like that.  I also have my folders set to details view and have turned off the folder tasks. I never understood why some icons are 32 bits and some are 8 bits even in windows xp, and the iconsets dont even match half the time from Microsoft app to Microsoft app.

Also i think Microsoft tries to protect its users too much. Its my computer let me do whatever the hell i want to, like replacing visual syles without having to patch things. I know its unsafe to not use the firewall, but I'm also behind a router with NAT and a firewall of it's own, so i turned off the annoying nags about the windows firewall.
08-10-2006 12:10 AM
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Here's another interesting and new article from exactly the same place the complaints came from:


We shouldn't give up on hope yet ;)
08-22-2006 11:45 AM
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Originally posted by lizard.boy
Personally i think Microsoft needs to get its game together. I think one of their issues is probably backwards compatability, and i think they should be taking a page out of Apple's book and phasing out the 9x line of software, like OSX did to OS9.

Microsoft does not have this option. Most businesses use Windows for this reason: backwards compatibility and Microsoft get most of their money from company licenses (for Windows). Companies want all their old software to run and do not want an OS that will require them to spend $x every so often to upgrade all their existing software.
Segosa is newb.
08-22-2006 09:49 PM
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The only issue in vista (yes, i'm going as far as saying only) is the standard NTFS and UAP configurations. They _will_ be fixed in the final release in November.
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08-22-2006 09:53 PM
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